Dr. Huba Papp
Holistic dentist
As a holistic dentist, Dr. Huba Papp has been researching and broadening his therapeutic approaches for over 25 years. His areas of expertise include homeopathy, craniosacral therapy, anthroposophic medicine, hirudotherapy, and dentosophy.
His research focuses on the connection between teeth, organs, and emotional issues, particularly the psychological trauma caused by crossbite. Education and awareness-raising are close to his heart: he gives lectures at universities, conferences, and is active on an international level. Since 2001, he has been leading Haris Dentistry, one of Hungary's largest holistic dental clinics. His credo is the importance of prevention and maintaining our dental health.
“As a holistic dentist, I have been expanding the boundaries of my knowledge and healing tools for more than a quarter of a century. This journey began during my university years with hypnosis, and soon I committed my life to homeopathy. I was among the first in Hungary to study and apply craniosacral therapy. Anthroposophic medicine further deepened my knowledge and opportunities as a healer. Hirudotherapy is also part of my therapeutic repertoire. Three years ago, I began working with dentosophy, a gentle, anthroposophic-based orthodontic method. I have delved deeply into the connections between teeth, organs, and various emotional issues, with my research focusing on the psychological trauma caused by surgical treatment of crossbite. I have also studied Chinese medicine and explored Ayurvedic healing. I am an enthusiastic practitioner and promoter of ayurvedic oil pulling (mouth-rinsing with medicated oil).
Beyond healing, education and knowledge-sharing play a significant role in my life. I give lectures to colleagues and non-specialist audiences alike, including at Semmelweis University, courses by the Hungarian Homeopathic Medical Association, and numerous conferences. In 2016, I was the chief organizer of the 3rd International Anthroposophic Dentistry Congress in Budapest. At the beginning of 2020, I launched a holistic preventive dentistry course series to raise awareness about the importance of prevention as widely as possible. Last year, my educational efforts crossed national borders: I am now a recurring lecturer in six cities in Transylvania. This spring, I delivered a lecture and conducted workshops at the University of Medicine in Târgu Mureș. I am (co-)author of several books and professional journals.
My credo is best reflected in the following lines:
Dentistry is the art and science of compromises. From the moment a dentist has to pick up a drill, they intervene in what nature has created—almost—perfectly. There is no filling, dental restoration, or intervention that is permanent and flawless... There is only one way to avoid compromises: by preventing cavities, extractions, and periodontal diseases! Our teeth, standing as guardians at the gateway between our inner world and the outside, not only serve good chewing but also release words and songs, clench in moments of struggle, and flash with every smile. They are defining elements of our physical being and balanced soul—let us treat them with care and attention!
Since graduating, I have been working at Haris Dentistry—one of Budapest's and Hungary's largest holistic dental clinics—which I have been leading since 2001.
I am a family man. My wife, Erzsébet Kati Orza, is a pianist; my son, Mátyás, studies classical composition at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music; and my daughter, Zsófi, is graduating from high school this year.
In my free time, I enjoy traveling, spending time in nature, hiking, cycling, photography, and engaging in music and fine arts. Together with my anthroposophic friends, I run a guesthouse in Torockó, Transylvania (www.torockovendeghaz.hu).
My motto: You never stop learning.”
Haris Dentistry
Address: 1052 Budapest, Haris köz 2. 1/2 emelet 1.
Phone: +36-1-318-2282, +36-20-342-1916
E-mail: info@harisfogaszat.hu
Web: www.harisfogaszat.hu