István Varga
István Varga is a raw vegan chef and gastro-philosopher, a food artist and the founder of the Raw Challenge and Raw Holiday. After years as the chef of the largest raw food restaurant in Hungary, he is now carving out his own way in the culinary business, hosting raw vegan tastings and gourmet dinners in Hungary and abroad, where he dazzles his guests with real food delights. Using 100% plant-based ingredients, he creates lactose- and gluten-free dishes such as raw chocolate cake, rice pudding, stuffed cabbage and spaghetti Bolognese.
István has been familiar with yoga and Ayurveda for over 20 years, and this aspect is reflected in his creations and events.
What István tells about himself: “On my Nyers Séf YouTube channel, I offer recipe videos and thought-provoking talks to help those who want to incorporate raw food into their lives, whether it's for health issues, weight loss or self-discovery. As the world of raw food is much more colourful and diverse than a salad or grated carrots, I regularly run classes, taster dinners, raw food weekends and retreats. These events give people a glimpse behind the scenes of raw cooking and the art of creating smoothies, soups, main courses and desserts!”
Email: hello@nyerssef.hu
Web: www.nyerssef.hu/
Address: 1136 Budapest, Tátra u.24., 6600 Szentes, Horváth Mihály u. 4/B.